Paper Preparation Guidelines

Types of Presentations


The presentation times for oral sessions are listed below:

  • Contributed presentations: 15 minutes
  • Invited talks: 30 minutes

The last 2-3 minutes in each presentation are set for questions and discussions.


Poster sessions are scheduled for selected papers that may be better presented with greater visual details, allowing attendees who share interests similar to yours to study and restudy the information and having discussions one-on-one.

For poster sessions, OPTIC provides each presenter a bulletin board where the speaker can mount a poster [90 cm (W) ´ 120 cm (H)] and provide flyers of the research, if any. Note that authors must be around their bulletin board during the poster sessions to present their research and answer questions.


Paper Preparation


Authors submitting papers to OPTIC 2015 are required to submit electronically in PDF format a 50-word abstract and a 2 page-limit summary. The deadline for the manuscript submission is August 31 September 15, 2015 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00). The notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent out via email by October 01, 2015 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00) only to the corresponding author.

A complete online submission will include the following:

  1. The completed online submission form
  2. 50-word Abstract
  3. 2-page paper in PDF format
  4. Copyright License Agreement

Electronic Submission: Emailed or faxed submissions will not be accommodated. Authors must fill up required information for the manuscript, including the title of the manuscript, all authors' affiliations and contact information, presentation preference, as well as a 50-word abstract. This information must be completed in English and failure to complete in its entirety will result in an unsuccessful submission.

Language: Manuscript for oral presentations or intended to compete in the student competition must be submitted in English. Others could be submitted either in Chinese or in English; however, English title and abstract are mandatory when submitting your manuscript.

Student Contest: Papers competing in the student contest must have the student be the presenter and the first author of the paper.


The double-column, two-page manuscript should be submitted on A4 paper, single-space typed on one side. All content, including drawings, charts, photographs, tables, figures, and references should be within the specified two-page limit.

For detailed style guide and standard manuscript template, please

Download Manuscript Template

Important Information about Preparing your Paper: The quality of your PDF file is important as the paper will be published in the Conference Proceedings if accepted. Please verify carefully the quality of your manuscript for print and electronic publishing.

Revisions will only be accepted up until the paper submission deadline.